100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.


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100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.

First baby raccoons of 2015!

At about 10:30am on March 12th, 2015 Bad Company Wildlife removed five healthy raccoon babies from a home in Oakville Ontario. The babies were located above the customers front entrance and soffit panels were carefully removed to access them. Locating and removing babies before evicting mother raccoon is essential for a successful raccoon removal. If babies are still inside the home after eviction, the mother raccoon will cause serious damage to your home (and herself) to get to them. Once all babies have been removed they are placed in a heated box where mother can easily relocate them to an alternate den site. Bad Company Wildlife specializes in humane pest control and raccoon removal.


Call or email us today for your raccoon removal quote



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Humane Wildlife Removal

Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home This Winter

We’ve had a warm fall in Southern Ontario so far, but we all know from experience how quickly that can change. While you’re running the