100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.


Call us today for help.

7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

We're open everyday.

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100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.

Save time and money with gutter guards by Alu-Rex

Cleaning your gutters every year is a tedious and dangerous  job and paying a professional to clean them for you can be costly. Installing a quality gutter guard system like Gutter-Clean by Alu-Rex will eliminate the need for any future cleanings. This fact should be even more appealing to property mangers and condo corporations as it can translate to thousands in savings.

Because it is made with a weatherproof aluminum the Gutter Clean system will never rust, warp, chip or crack and its strong enough to support the weight of snow in the winter. Since the gutters are kept free of snow they will drain normally when the weather warms up and the snow begins to melt. It’s also the only product on the market that comes with a 40 year clog free warranty.

Bad Company Wildlife is a recognized installer of Alu-Rex products. We can install gutter guards for you properly and safely.

Melting snow can still drain easily
Melting snow can still drain easily
Protected gutter
Protected gutter
Gutters not draining due to clogging
Gutters not draining due to clogging
Gutter filled with leaves
Gutter filled with leaves
Alu-Rex provides an attractive solution to clogged gutters
Alu-Rex provides an attractive solution to clogged gutters


Call or email us today for your gutter guard quote



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Keep wildlife out of your home this winter with a few easy tips!
Humane Wildlife Removal

Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home This Winter

We’ve had a warm fall in Southern Ontario so far, but we all know from experience how quickly that can change. While you’re running the