100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.


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7:00 AM - 10:00 PM

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100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.

Dundas Raccoon Removal

 Dundas Raccoon Removal – Job Report

On April 10th, 2015 Bad Company Wildlife visited a home in Dundas in response to a raccoon removal request. Raccoons had been living under the customers sun room and rear addition and they wanted to know how to get rid of raccoons humanely. The sun room and addition did not have a complete foundation and the raccoon was able to access these areas via the back deck. The area was very difficult to inspect for signs of damage and raccoon babies but to get rid of raccoons successfully, all raccoon babies need to be removed from the den site. We carefully removed one of the wooden panels and squeezed under the structure and our hard work was rewarded with the discovery of six raccoon babies.

dundas raccoon removaldundas raccoon removal babies

The raccoon babies were carefully removed by hand and placed in a heated box outside of the entry. Bad Company Wildlife removal then installed a one way exit over the entry and raccoon proofed the premises. The home now has a five year raccoon guarantee. Bad Company Wildlife removal returned the next day to check on the babies and found that all had been relocated by mother raccoon. The customer was satisfied with the raccoon removal process and is happy to be raccoon free.

If you have raccoons in the attic, need raccoon removal or would like to know how to get rid of raccoons,

Call or email today for your raccoon removal quote




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Humane Wildlife Removal

Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home This Winter

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