100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.


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100% HUMANE WILDLIFE EVICTION SERVICES. As a humane animal removal company, we will never do anything that will harm, kill or stress the wildlife we’re dealing with. We will not break the law by using poison, traps or relocating animals.

How to Get Rats Out of Your Home the Humane Way

If you’re wondering how to get rats out of your home without harming them, a wildlife eviction company can help.

A lot of people hate rats but we personally love them. Not only do they make great pets, but they’re intelligent, clean animals capable of doing some pretty cool things. However, we can’t blame you for not wanting them in your walls and kitchen, so we created this blog on how to get rats out of your home the humane way.

Things You May Not Have Known About Rats

  • A group of rats is called a ‘mischief’!
  • They outnumber us, yet we rarely see them. They are experts at avoiding detection!
  • Rats have strong teeth that never stop growing! They have to keep chewing to wear them down, otherwise eating would be impossible!
  • A rat’s whiskers are more sensitive than a human’s fingertips! By brushing the long hairs against objects or the floor, rats are able to build up a detailed picture of their surroundings.
  • Rats use their long tails for balance and for keeping cool – they can direct a portion of their body’s heat out of their tails!

They can also be extremely destructive by chewing furniture, walls, and insulation. If you want to reclaim your home, you need to issue them an eviction notice. Don’t worry, though – it’s possible to do this both safely and effectively when you’re working with the best rat removal service.

How Do Rats Get in Your Home?

If you’re wondering how to get rats out of your home, it’s crucial to understand how they got inside in the first place. From holes in the roof to gaps around windows, rats will enter a home any way they can to find shelter, food, and water.

Open Doors and Windows

Although rats prefer more subversive entry methods, they still can’t resist an open door or window. What could be more easy? If your home’s open door policy doesn’t include rats, keep doors closed and install screens over your windows so you can enjoy the breezes without 

Open Chimneys

When the weather starts to get cold, rats tend to find their way into homes through the chimney. If you notice that rats are getting in through your chimney, install a mesh-covered chimney cap to keep them out.

Cracks in the Foundation and Walls

Rats can squeeze through the smallest spaces! That’s why it’s important to repair any damage in the foundation and walls in your house. If you’re trying to determine how to get rats out of your home, start by checking the building exterior to see if that’s how they got in.

Holes in the Roof

When you have rats in your attic, you very likely have holes in your roof. Arrange for a professional inspection and make sure any damage to your roof is repaired as soon as possible!

Open Vents

A rat can fit through a vent’s openings as well as any gaps around it. Seal any gaps and holes in your home to prevent rats from getting inside and setting up house.

Gaps around Windows

Rats can enter homes and businesses through small gaps and cracks around windows. Reduce the likelihood of an infestation by sealing all openings and repairing any damage to your windows and screens.

Signs Of A Rat Infestation In Your Home

Once they’re inside, it doesn’t take long before rats make their presence known in your home. Here are some tell-tale signs to look out for. Any one of them can suggest that you should start Googling ‘how to get rats out of your home’ to find the best rat removal service near you.

Strange Smells and Sounds

Rat urine has a strong ammonia smell, and once you got a colony taking up residence, it’s going to become pretty powerful over time. As they move throughout your home, they also squeak, scratch, and rustle, making loud noises that are especially noticeable at night. If you notice either of these signs, rats are likely present in the building, so investigate further.

Droppings and Smears

As rats move through your home, they leave droppings behind. These pellet-shaped droppings may be seen along main rat pathways as well as behind the stove, in your attic or basement, or in the corners of your house.

It is also common for rats to establish routes along walls as a result of their poor eyesight. They leave grease smears and smudges on surfaces as they travel these routes, so check your baseboards and the lower section of your walls for what looks like a combination of dirt and grease.


If you suspect your home is infested with rats, look into a seldom-used, dusty corner. Traveling rats often leave footprints and tail marks on dusty surfaces. You can also look under and behind sofas, cabinets, and other large pieces of furniture for similar evidence.

Tip: If you’re not sure if rats are around, confirm by sprinkling some baking soda on the floor and looking for fresh tracks in the morning.


A female rat has the ability to produce up to five litters annually, which equates to approximately 50 offspring per year. Five weeks is all it takes for newborn rats to reach sexual maturity! You can find the nests in walls, under the sink, and even under your washer or behind your refrigerator. If you see signs of an evolving colony, it’s home to decide how to get rats out of your home.


Last but not least, rats cause damage. In addition to eating food left on the counter, they will gnaw on wooden furniture and storage containers, tear up books and papers, and chew through electrical cords. It is believed that rodents chewing on electrical wires cause about one-fifth of fires of unknown origin.

Additional signs of damage include:

  • Bite marks on food packages, containers, or leftovers
  • Chewed and torn building materials like drywall and insulation
  • Ripped-out furniture cushions
  • Soft nests made of insulation, paper, fabric, or shredded paper
  • Gnawed ductwork

You may also see a live or dead rat somewhere in your home. If you do and you’re desperately wondering how to get rats out of your home, it’s time to schedule a humane eviction with Bad Company Wildlife Eviction.

How to Keep Rats From Getting IN Your Home

If you’re lucky and don’t have unwanted guests yet, there are some proactive steps you can take to discourage rats from checking out your home.

Eliminate Clutter

Rats look for shelters and places to hide; eliminating these havens is one of the best ways to discourage them from moving in. Some tips:

  • Get rid of clutter in and around your house
  • Move objects away from the walls
  • Keep all trash and food in closed bins
  • Clean up spills as soon as possible
  • Keep your drains and pipes clean

Keep Your Yard Clean

To discourage rats from setting up shop, keep your lawn and garden clutter-free. You should mow, remove piles of leaves or wood, lock all garages and sheds, repair any holes in the siding, and keep garbage bins tightly closed. Last but not least, don’t let rats have access to food outside your home. Remove fallen fruits and vegetables from the garden, as well as pet and bird food.

Seal The Gaps

It doesn’t take a large entry point for rats to get into your home. They can squeeze through any hole you can stick two fingers through. Therefore, seal any gaps in your interior or exterior walls, no matter how small. Fill these gaps with wire wool, caulk, or cement for lasting results and ensure they’re well-maintained by checking them monthly.

How to Get Rats Out of Your Home: Should You DIY?

Rather than hiring the best rat removal service, you may be tempted to evict them yourself. There are plenty of online guides on how to do the job, but we strongly recommend calling a Hamilton wildlife eviction company instead. 

  • You may accidentally separate a mother and babies. If this happens, the babies aren’t likely to survive.
  • One-way doors and other professional eviction resources may not be available to you.

A unique combination of professional resources and caring personnel allows Bad Company Wildlife Eviction to conduct a safe and effective rat eviction. In addition to ensuring that mother and babies move out together, we provide tips to prevent unwanted visitors in the future. Feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns following an eviction.

How Does the Best Rat Removal Service Work?

If rats are occupying your home and are determined not to leave, Bad Company Wildlife Eviction can inspect your property and confirm the extent of the problem. We can help you:

  • Locate the entry points the rats are using
  • Identify their nesting areas and food caches
  • Get them out of the home without causing additional damage

After the inspection, we will provide you with a no-obligation estimate for eviction. If you decide to go ahead, we will install one-way rat exits on all points of entry. To prevent future tunneling or burrowing, we often need to excavate around structures the rats use to get in. 

When any newborn rats are found, we gently remove them from the nest and place them in a heated insulated box near the exit, making it easy for Mom to carry them to their new home. As soon as everyone has left, our wildlife technicians will return to remove the one-way exits and permanently seal the entrances.

Don’t Worry About How to Get Rats Out of Your Home! Call Us! 

If you want to clear rats out of your home, Bad Company Wildlife Eviction provides removal services that don’t involve poisons, kill traps, or any other inhumane methods. We’re animal lovers first and eviction specialists second, and it shows. To learn more about how we can turn your house back into a home, again call 1-855-880-9860.

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Keep wildlife out of your home this winter with a few easy tips!
Humane Wildlife Removal

Keep Wildlife Out of Your Home This Winter

We’ve had a warm fall in Southern Ontario so far, but we all know from experience how quickly that can change. While you’re running the